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PC & Network Security

Komal Micro Systems > PC & Network Security
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PC and network safety main pic2

 Technology has worked smoothly while hatching innovations and conveniences that have made our lives easier and our jobs more productive. Computers, though, could bring more frequent headaches as they link together with billions of other electronic devices and household appliances—a phenomenon that has become known as the “Internet of things.”

This technological daisy chain can increase the complexity of the systems and raise the risks of massive breakdowns through a virus or a malicious attack.

Imagine what could happen if your network was compromised and the sensitive and confidential information you keep about your customers – financial and credit card information, order history, client lists, legal documents, account numbers, trade secrets, email exchanges, etc. – goes to misuse and unlawful disclosure?

At Komal Micro System & Services we have answers for all these threats.

Prevailing problems –


  • Virus Attack
  • Ransomeware Attack
  • Data leakage
  • Phishing websites & emails


Antivirus and Anti Ransomware softwares


Secure VPN devices

Data Loss Preventions softwares

Contact Us to Know More