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Solution for Fire Safety

Komal Micro Systems > Solution for Fire Safety
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Fire safety is of the highest importance in any building, to ensure safety of your employees and the protection of your building. Fire protection systems and procedures are a legal requirement and need to be put in place in buildings to make employees aware in the event of a fire

 You can’t predict when that will happen, but you can take steps to ensure that your staff stays safe and sound. For that, you’ll need an effective fire safety plan and fire safety training. It might seem like a hassle for now, but it could make all the difference between a minor scare and a serious emergency.

Komal Micro System & Services has Fire Safety Solutions available.

We have variety of Fire detection products – Addressable & conventional fire panale, smoke sensor, heat sensors, Rate of rise heat sensors, Isolators modulte, relay modules, monitor modules, MCP, hooters etc.

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