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Artificial Intelligence with specilized ip cameras

Komal Micro Systems > Artificial Intelligence with specilized ip cameras

We usually think of surveillance cameras as digital eyes, watching over us or watching out for us, depending on your view. But really, they’re more like portholes: useful only when someone is looking through them. Sometimes that means a human watching live footage, usually from multiple video feeds. Most surveillance cameras are passive, however. They’re there as a deterrence, or to provide evidence if something goes wrong. Your car got stolen? Check the CCTV.

But this is changing — and fast. Artificial intelligence is giving surveillance cameras digital brains to match their eyes, letting them analyze live video with no humans necessary. This could be good news for public safety, helping police and first responders more easily spot crimes and accidents and have a range of scientific and industrial applications.

When it comes to delivering  insights today’s organisations need, Komal Micro System & Servivces is a pioneer in security and beyond.

  • Smarter decision making for store owner
  • Analysis of footfall in store and comparison of footfall among various brand’s product.
  • People Counting
  • Vehicle recognition
  • Automated & customized security alerts
  • Crowd gathering alert

The application for AI cameras’s smart technologies is virtually limitless. It gives you one point of access to a world of insights to help your organisation work smarter and, crucially, to protect your people and assets from security threats.

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